Monday, July 20, 2009

Wait..... What?

This month was filled with sports shockers and upsets. I’ve highlighted three stories that caught my eye. Please comment with any other interesting/outrageous sports event s you’ve encountered this month.


The T.O. Show: Really? Like for real? This guy’s ego isn’t big enough as it is? He needs his own show to boost it a little more? Personally, I don’t even consider him one of the greats. His talent may get him on SportsCenter once in a while, but most of the publicity that surrounds T.O. comes from the mockery he makes of himself, not his athleticism. It’s truly embarrassing that his potential is being wasted for the sake of being in the spotlight. I wish he could, for once, blend in to his team and not try to be the center of attention. Then maybe we could see the full athletic capabilities of Terrell Owens and not the show put on by T.O.

It ain’t over till it’s over: I have heard this famous Yogi Berra quote for years. I know it can be applied to most any competition, but my personal experience has been with baseball and softball, though I have seen examples in football. Well, this week I learned of another sport that this quote could be applied to, golf. As everyone in sports world knows, going into the last day of the British Open, Tom Watson was everyone’s favorite. And as everyone in the sports world also knows, Watson was not the winner of the British Open: Stewart Cink was. Personally, I feel for Cink. He won a major golf championship, and all anyone can do is feel sorry for the guy who came in second. I’m sorry he wasn’t the favorite but c’mon people. His athleticism brought him to the championship and his endurance and focus won him a title. Let’s give the man some credit. I understand that Watson made a great story, but unfortunately the ending was not written as planned. I hate seeing headlines that say that Watson lost the title, and Cink didn’t win it. Well, obviously he played well enough to compete with and beat Watson, so he did in fact win the title; it’s not like someone just handed it to him. Let’s give some credit where credit is due.

You don’t need meat to hit home runs: Prince Fielder of the Milwaukee Brewers is this year’s winner of the Home Run Derby. Fielder is also a vegetarian. It is pretty uncommon that you see a professional athlete who doesn’t eat meat, especially a male athlete. Fielder was not considered the favorite in the derby; many thought he wouldn’t be able to make it to the last round swinging as hard as he did in the first. Ironically, Fielder won the last round with six home runs but could have easily hit more seeing as he was cut off with five outs still to spare. Not only did he prove those wrong that didn’t believe in his endurance, but he also showed America that people can still be strong, athletic and competitive without eating meat. It is not the necessity, most believe it is, and Fielder showed us that last week. Now let’s just hope he’s not tied to steroids in any way whatsoever. The MLB needs a hero, not another heartbreaker.